Africa Part 3

A small selection of our favourite animals…from the little guys, to the birds, to the antelopes, to the big guys, to the always-around guys, to the highly endangered black rhino!

And a few of the funny ones…

Giraffes drinking
A real zebra crossing (funny every time!)
Elephant embrace
A lioness and her SIX cubs!
Zebra argy-bargy!

4 thoughts on “Africa Part 3”

  1. I swear some of those photos are almost identical to ones I have. I remember the mongoose running through the camp. And the giraffe drinking! Thanks for re-igniting those memories. I’m hoping to do a road trip in a couple of months and will miss not being able to catch up as I pass through Wellington. Travel safe!

    1. Oh I’m sorry to miss you. Funny re the photos – I guess each animal only has a limited number of poses . One of our funniest encounters was “tai chi elephant” – he moved the smallest amount at a time (an ear move, a slight bend in a knee, the smallest turn of his head) and then he stayed in that position for minutes before another small/slight move. We watched him for about 30 minutes and he moved so little in that time! So funny!

    1. Yes threy’re jackals and they were absolutely everywhere! We followed one around a bush for 5 minutes trying to get photo of him, but it eventually ran away!

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